Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I guess I failed to update my readers on the last two week's weigh ins... maybe my subconscious was forming a mental block.

I gained the 1.4lbs back last week, then lost it again this week. I guess things could be worse...?
I think strict counting is going to need to happen and I am going back and forth about how to best do it (paper method, online, CRON-O-Meter, etc...) But that decision is really just procrastination at its finest.

I also need to re-inspire myself with the science of calorie restriction. I looked back at some old posts recently and I remember now how hard it was to start counting and how hungry I actually felt in the beginning- and what really motivated me was the science!

Also back then I had people supporting me 3x/week (people I miss terribly! I ran into one of the study scientists the other day and I resisted the urge to yell- "TAKE ME BACK!!!" hahahaha) so now I am faced with the ongoing battle of how to do something difficult for myself. With no one benefiting from it but me.

Tonight I am making an oldie-but-goodie recipe. Turkey meatloaf. I remember enjoying it and I have all the ingredients- so that is on tonight's agenda. Also, my "scarf" (or linear piece of knitted yarn) is coming along very well, only 2 holes so far! I will say though, it is far less satisfying than baking-- maybe once I get better at knitting and I can produce something that will distract me from baking... maybe.

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